Sunday, April 10, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps Test Group Deploying Tomorrow

What's in the 22 Minute Hard Corps Box?

It's no secret this program is going to change a TON of lives in such a short time! WHY? Here's my insight!
1. Tony Horton workouts are the He keeps it light, fun & full of energy
2. Who can't fit in 22 Minutes a day? I hear time as an excuse ALL of the more excuses ladies!
3. I've already seen the tightening & toning plus my inner strength go in testing it out for 2 weeks! Easy Bikini Bod Prep!

I love that this program incorporates the 21 Day Fix Meal Containers to make an easy transition from one program to the next! Here is my sample meal plan for this week!

As you can see I like to keep it SIMPLE. Yes I eat the same things for lunch & my shake every day because I truly LOVE them. If it's not broke don't fit it right? I think the simplicity takes the stress out of major meal prep & for me wasted food. When I tend to come up with all of these crazy complex meal plans I almost always stop doing it & end up having fresh produce in the trash from not being eaten. My biggest piece of advice for you is to definitely meal prep on sundays & plan your week ahead of time. You know the saying Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail? It's true! Winging it DOES NOT WORK! Success takes daily effort every day. Utilize the simple resources at your finger tips. If you're looking for an accountability partner to help get you back on track I'm your GIRL! Just send me a quick email at

Off to go cook some fresh finds up in the kitchen & GET SOME this week! Have a great one my friends!